New collection: Femme Fatale - sunglasses for the Bold & Fearless

New collection: Femme Fatale - sunglasses for the Bold & Fearless

Femme Fatale - sunglasses for the Bold & the Fearless 

Viveka Gren's new collection Femme Fatale is launching December 4th at 18.00 as a part of the onlinemarket Local Femmes market, a market celebrating female entrepreneurship and design in Sweden. 

About the collection

The Femme Fatale is a collection with six hand made sunglasses, each piece channeling a different femme fatale. These are sunglasses that let you tune in with your bold and fearless self. 

A Femme Fatale piece is priced around 900 kr (€90).

 The Femme Fatale collection - sunglasses for the Bold & the Fearless by Swedish artist Viveka Gren's

Which of the Femmes do you resonate with?

Are you the Cheetah Divine, the Noirette Threat, the Purple Hazard, the Bow to Me, or maybe the Strawberry Fatale? 

Get your alter ego now - She's waiting for you in the Eyewear section


Collection cover photo: Anna Osk Erlingsdottir

Model: Guccigoth

Location: Hotel Eggers 



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